Point of interest
Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina Landscapes

Sledging fun along the UNESCO World Heritage RhB

If you like adventure in winter, you can sledge for around 6 km along the pass road past the world-famous Albula railway line to the railway village of Bergün. Even the journey by train on the UNESCO World Heritage Rhaetian Railway line is an experience: like a carousel, the train overcomes the altitude difference in helical tunnels on the line between Bergün and Preda, changing the side of the valley four times. If you want to find out more about the exciting railway line before or after your sledging fun, visit the Albula Railway Museum in Bergün.


Opening times 2024/25

This winter the sledge run will be open from 14.12.2024 - 16.03.2025 depending on snow conditions.

  • Monday: 09.30 - 17.00 hrs
  • Tuesday - Sunday: 09.30 - 23.00 (illuminated in the evening)
  • No night sledging on 24 and 31.12.2024.
  • On 30.12.2024 and 06.01.2025 opening hours until 23.00
  • The run is closed outside the operating hours.

Prices and tickets

Tickets are available at the stations with staff at the ticket machine or from Rail Service of the Rhaetian Railway on telephone number +41 81 288 65 65 via the contact form.

Sledge rental

Mark Sport

  • Bergün in the village centre, tel. Bergün +41 81 407 11 65
  • Preda by the railway station, Tel. Preda +41 81 407 11 44
  • www.marksport.ch 

Club 99

  • Bergün by the railway station, tel. +41 81 407 16 43
  • Preda at the Hotel Kulm, tel. +41 81 407 16 43
  • www.club-99.com

Accident-free sledging

  • Always sledge sitting down
  • Wear warm clothing and sturdy footwear
  • A helmet is recommended
  • Young children must be accompanied by an adult
  • No sledges with mechanical brakes or plastic bobs allowed
  • No sledging on your stomach and no tying sledges together
  • No dogs allowed
  • No walking up the trail
  • Adjust your speed
  • What to do if there's an accident? Secure the accident site – provide first aid – get help.
  • Pay attention to the emergency signs. Do not get in the way of emergency vehicles

Emergency Telephone: 144