Point of interest
Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch


In addition to the famous church of the castle, two other buildings are situated in the fortress in Raron. The first, the old parsonage, which is now a museum (see local offers) was built shortly after the completion of the church St. Romanus. It is widely assumed that the building was created as well under the direction of Ulrich Ruffiner from the ruins of the medieval church. The second, the medieval tower house (turris antiqua), was already built about 150 years before the church. The old council house Zenden, which was built as a strict ashlar (only quadratic stone blocks were used), is considered the best preserved and most beautiful testimony of Romanesque secular architecture in the Valais (secular architecture, opposed to sacred architecture, meaning religious buildings).

  • Schedule
    to Ausserberg
  • Info
    Experience history
    Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch easy
  • Schedule
    Return trip
    from Niedergesteln, Weiderli