The ossuary in Naters goes back to the year 1514 and was built by the renowned Master of sacred building Ulrich Ruffiner. Ossuaries are used to store the bones of long died whose graves were dug. The ossuary is a nationally protected monument and was gently renovated from 1985-1988, respecting the principle that different subsequent changes have been returned to its original status. The impressive skull wall consists primarily of bones from the old cemetery, which was situated until 1869 around the church. Individual skulls bear the names of the departed and many people from Naters still know today, at which place the skull of their ancestors is placed. Based on calculations it is assumed that there are approximately 31.000 skulls in the ossuary, of which 1,857 are visible on the front. This huge number surprised even experts. To counteract the theft of the skulls and the opening towards the north was closed with stanchions. The inscription "What you are, we have been / What we are, you will be" should remind the faithful of the transience of earthly existence.