Visitor centre
Tectonic Arena Sardona

Visitor Centre Tectonicarena Sardona, Glarus & Elm

The Glarnerland Visitor Centre, with its two locations in Glarus (in the Nature Centre, train station building) and Elm (in the old school building, Sandgasse 1, Elm), is an important duo that provides knowledge about the Sardona World Heritage site 365 days a year.

The Visitor Centre in Glaurs serves as a hub between the World Heritage Site, ecology, regional development and tourism. The seven stations of the Elm Visitor Centre provide in-depth insights into the origins of the Glarus Thrust.

Both in Glarus and Elm, technical aids (e.g. iPads) and playful aids (e.g. stones, magnifying glasses and models) help to better understand the unique character of the World Heritage Site.

  • Schedule
    to Glarus
  • Opening Hours

    All information on opening hours and prices can be found here.

  • Shop-online

    Bookable offers in the Tectonic Arena Sardona.