From this point on the edge between the valley of the Great Aletsch glacier and the Eggishorn you overlook the glacier in its entire length of 22,7 km (20,7 km from Jungfraujoch). Not only its length is gigantic, but also its area of approximately 79 km2 and its volume of about 13 km3. The water stored in the ice of the Great Aletsch water would be enough to cover the supply of the entire Swiss population during 4057 years with 1 liter of drinking water per person per day. The catchment area of the Great Aletsch glacier comprises four firn areas: the Great Aletsch firn, the Jungfrau firn, the Ewigschneefäld and smaller Grünegg firn. On Konkordiaplatz they merge to the tongue of the Great Aletsch glacier. Following the gravity the ice flows permanently downhill. On the glacier surface below the Konkordiaplatz the highest flow velocities were measured with 185-195 m/year. In proximity to the Aletsch forest, the ice flows only with 75-86 m/year. A small path leads down to the glacier. Only there you realize what dimensions are hidden behind the impressive figures. Walk only on the path along the small brook, because the abraded rocks offer very little foothold. You should always keep a security distance from the glacier edge since larger chunks of ice may fall down at any time.